Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Logo *sigh*

So...this is my logo. First of all, let me stand up and clap for professional graphic designers--it is way harder than I had expected, not really technologically but psychologically-does that make sense? There were some points in the process that I was huffing and puffing and about to pull my hair out because I just couldn't get the effect and end result that I wanted and had envisioned. Okay now let me explain my logo, my company's name is Extreme Elements which is a design and marketing company specifically for extreme sports (snowboarding, BMX, bungee, skydiving, etc etc etc). The reason I chose a certain area to specialize in, is because I think that it would never get boring and that if I had to do a logo for a company in general that doesn't specialize in any certain area, it'd be boring. I wanted something bold, and just EXTREME, yet simple of course. Well that, and I'd get to meet REALLY hot guys--I certainly have a thing for extreme sports athletes, love them. 
Shaun White--call me! (but cut your hair first)
I made several different designs featuring several different sporting events, I chose snowboarding because it is easy to identify. I also got much needed opinions from the fabulous Animation II class--THANK YOU!
But overall, I think that I am happy with my logo--I'm just not used to simple, I want complex and gaudy but I calmed my mind for this project. :D

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