Thursday, November 11, 2010

CATE logo--undecided.

Okay, so I had A LOT of fun with this project. At first I was just doing random stuff and then I decided to go into logos that everyone knows and just redesign it with CATE for the text. I kind of did a replica of the Seinfeld logo, a replica of the Ebay logo, a replica of The Price is Right logo (I miss Bob Barker), I also did a replica of the Bonnie Hunt Show logo which turned out to look very retro (LOVE retro!), and then I did a replica of the  M*A*S*H logo, I attempted other replicas but...obviously they didn't turn out that well because they are not posted. But anyway I did the branch and the bird because I'm weirdly obsessed with nature-ish looking things, well fake nature looking things (does that make sense?). I did the logo with the sun because its just straightforward and kind of symbolizes a brighter future, I guess? And I did the hanger thing because I thought it looked cool in my mind so I threw it onto illustrator and it turned out that it does look kind of cool. So I think that's all for now, if I think of anything else to say I will come back and continue to rant. 


  1. The things on the hanger are a little bit hard to read, and I don't think the one with the tree branch matches with what the customer does, but I liked everything else.

  2. These are awesomee!! good job!! :D
