Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Quote--Remix

I changed up the colors to get my point across more. This is darker and I feel is blunt and just gets your point across. The brush under "world" emphasizes how important it is. The different type of fonts represent the diversity of everyone in the world. I chose purple because it is a great color with black and is vibrant.

Sprial Quote!

I chose this quote because it's very true and I really like it. But I used this font because life is life, it's not complicated--usually. And I made the important words different colors. I chose the colors because they stand out and are some of my favorite colors.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Quote :D

 I chose this quote because I think it explains how you should treat life. Never just sit around and let things pass you by, life is too short. I chose these colors and fonts because I really really love vintage looking things, although it isn't that "vintagey", I love pastel colors with chocolate browns and basically rough colors. My favorite font is the font that i used to write "WORLD" I feel that it has like a vintage western feel to it, I LOVE IT!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Evaluating Artwork Using Design Elements

The old man in "Up" is defined with Contour Lines because it describes the shape of his body and the interior detail.The direction is mostly horizontal, suggesting he is rigid and stern, and has little emotion. The emotion of his square face suggests rigidity and uniformity, does not like change and is generally unhappy. He has positive shapes because he is a solid form in a complete design. The colors of his clothes suggests he is dark, not very colorful in spirit, and unhappy. He is placed in a world with many colors and still chooses to be dark, this gives off a rigid, cold feeling. The size of the old man seems to be petite, his stature is small which implies that he is not "proud". He does not stand up and have good posture, this suggests he just doesn't really care about anything. The visual texture of the old man is soft in his face, with wrinkles, and then his wool coat seems kind of rough, his hair seems soft, but out of place. The tone is quiet, he is wearing dark colors which suggests he is not full of life, the tone has a lot of black/dark colors, etc. Overall the old man in "UP" is a sad, lifeless character which is implied by his shape, color, texture, etc.

Minnie Mouse is defined with Gesture Lines, which shows that she is doing a courtsey gesture. Gesture Lines are energetic and catches movement. The direction of the lines in Minnie Mouse are oblique due to the movement of what she is doing, she is also smiling which shows that she is happy. Minnie has a more rounded shape, nothing is rigid or sharply defined which suggests her sensitivity and easiness. The size of Minnie is a large Mouse but has the characteristics of a person, she is suggested to be the size of maybe a petite woman. This suggests that she is fragile and has increased sensitivity to things, she is gentle. Her implied texture is smooth and shiny. She is not rigid or strictly defined with lines, she is more rounded which suggests soft texture, which goes back to the place where she looks gentile. The colors she is wearing suggests she is upbeat and fun, along with happy. Bright colors suggest the personality or the state of mind of a certain person. Minnie suggests that she is a happy person with the bright colors she is wearing she is energetic and she is also smiling which adds as backup to the colors she is wearing she is HAPPY. The tone of the picture is happy and positive, although she is colored with black, it is just her body color, not the color she chose to wear which would be different. The colors she CHOSE to wear were bright and suggests happiness all though there is black in the picture it is just her natural skin tone.

Tom & Jerry are defined by outlines. They have a black line around their silhoutte which defines their bodies of what they are doing and where things are. The lines are horizontal due to the feeling of stability and tranquility, right now they look at peace (all though that is hardly the case in the cartoon). But in this picture they suggests that they are at ease with eachother and just laying horizontally. The shape of Tom and Jerry are a mix of roundness and rectangles.  The arch made by Tom's arms suggests that he is protective of Jerry (or ready to pounce!). The difference in sizes between the two suggest the vast difference in what their personalities are. The relationship between them are mostly strained, they get on eachother's nerves which is suggested by the major differenc in size. The color of the characters are the natural colors of a cat and a mouse, which don't really suggest what their personality is like. To be able to study the personalities it could not be studied from the color due to the natural color palet they used to make the cat and the mouse. There is not a lot of black in this picture which suggests it's not a dark, boring relationship between the two, but the black outline of each character suggests they are their own person. They don't collide with likeness. Overall, they are just Cat & Mouse; Tom & Jerry.

The car is defined by sketch lines. Sketch lines capture the appearance of an object or impression of a place. In this picture, the sketch lines capture the image of a car. It seems like a rough sketch which is in the beginning stages of a final product. The direction of the lines are Horizontal because the car is at a stand still. It is not going fast or moving, it is just stable in one position. The shapes are geometric. Geometric shapes always make up the parts of a car; circles for ther wheels, rectangles for windows,etc. They are positive shapes because they create the solid forms in a design. The size of the car seems to be the normal size of a regular car due to the trees in the background. The texture is the real texture of the object, cars are smooth. But the only thing that looks different is the smoothness of the tires, they are usually not that smooth on real cars. There is no color which means there is no hue, it is just a black and white sketch. The value cannot be determined due to the blankness and roughness of the sketch, there is no color yet.

This picture of Stitch and ducks is created by implied lines. Anything that is not real (drawn) are implied lines. The direction of the lines is horizontal, due to the stillness and calmness of the picture. The shapes are natural due to the leaves and the ground, and also geometric which is creating Stitch. There are many positive shapes creating the solid forms in the design. The texture is implied to be soft, maybe furry. But not much is revealed to see what the texture really is. The colors are a big spectrum, with nothing TOO bright and nothing TOO dull, all around it is a happy feeling picture through the different colors. The tone is happy, because there is not a lot of black in the picture other than the shadows casting over Stitch and the ducks coming from the tree that is above them but that indicates that the sun is shining. Over all this is a pleasant, calm picture.

This Coca-Cola advertisement uses Calligraphic lines. The Calligraphic lines use elegant handwriting. The Coca-Cola sign is printed in calligraphy. The direction of the lines are horizontal, implying that it is calm, and stable; tranquil. The shapes of the lines are geometric. The main advertisement is a circle suggersting that it isn't rigid, or stern, it is fun. The size of the picture is of normal size along with a make belief circle next to the girl. The texture seems smooth and doesn't imply that anything is rough or off edge. The color is not too bright, but not dark. They are trangquil colors and relaxing colors with just enough red to make a statement. The tone is happy due to the lack of black used and the smile on the girls face, along with the sunshine casting down. Over all this is a happy picture advertising Coca-Cola.