Monday, December 13, 2010

I would have a...Glacee Pop PLEASE!

So let me tell you the truth, I kind of imagined that this was a real company--I really got into it!
I really love the process of doing different products and packaging. I have my tshirt on right now as I'm typing this, that is why there is not a picture of it. But overall I really loved this project and I am happy with the outcome. I did get told that the ice-sicles on my water bottle wrap looked like shark teeth....thanks?

But anyway, this took me a while to finish because I sit by a distraction that doesn't stop talking (toast anyone?) tehe.
But anyway I am going to have Graphic Design withdrawals over Christmas Break...and Klein withdrawals...and animation 2 withdrawals.
But anyway I've got to go do...NOTHING (finals week--aka do nothing)

ta-ta for now


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mood Board!

So this is my mood board, we have started our product packaging project. We had to come up with a fictional business and design packaging for their products that they sell. The business I created is called Glacee Gourmet Popsicle Shop. I chose these really chill colors because it is supposed to be relaxing and I also wanted it to have a retro and kind of a vintage feel to it, therefore I decided on the logo that imitates a retro sign but instead of arrows I placed popsicles. I chose this font because I don't want lhe shop to be some little hole in the wall, I want it to take time and be an actual hang out place that everyone can go to. I want the audience to be for all ages. I researched gourmet popsicle shops and looked at their menus and...lets just say I will not be serving chocolate and habanero popsicles--YUCK! (no offense). But anyway, I wish this business really existed because I would be completely obsessed with it. :D

Oh one more thing...Christmas break is almost here! :D :D :D