Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brittany Wolters-Bio

Hi! My name is Brittany, and I am a senior this year at Consol--THANK GOODNESS! I have a younger sister named Brooklyn who is a Freshman. I LOVE spending time with my family, they mean everything to me; they are my bestfriends. My Dad is a Petroleum and Civil Engineer and my Mom is a stay-at-home Mom. I have a dog named Zac and a giant goldfish named Flow. I love vintage/old looking things. I like to collect things, but it changes on a monthly basis unfortunately, I can't make up my mind. My collections go from beach towels, to mugs, all the way to pens. The one thing that I have been constantly collecting since I was younger is "I Love Lucy" memoribillia. I have the entire series on DVD and go straight to it if I had a bad day, it comforts me. I also collect Pixar stuff, I got this amazing Pixar collectors book with invitations from premiere parties, original sketches, etc. I can't get enough of it! I love to do creative/artsy things.
 I am the President of Tiger Friends which is an organization that does weekly activites with the kids in the Life Skills department, they are so wonderful and genuine. I am also part of Student Council because I love being involved in helping people and just all around working for a great cause.
When I grow up (which is like only a few years!) I really want to go into Visualization in the College of Arcitecture at Texas A&M. After my freshman year of college I want to do a summer internship with Pixar and get a feel for how things operate. I have always loved animation and I am fascinated by the creativity behind all of it. This summer I got my first official "Pixar" shirt, which made me very EXCITED! My favorite Pixar movie is "Monsters Inc.".
 I also love to read, I love to curl up with a good book on a rainy day with my blinds open in my room. My favorite television shows are "I Dream of Jeannie", "Bewitched", "The Munsters", and "I Love Lucy". I feel that television today is nothing like it used to be, it has become kind of raunchy. I have the entire series of every one of my favorite television shows, because unfortunately they were way before my time. I love old black and white movies and cartoons, when I have trouble sleeping I turn on an old black and white cartoon and the scratchiness and the sound puts me right to sleep. Church is also a major part of my life, I go to St. Thomas Aquinas. <>< Well that's about all I can thing of! :D